JLN Enterprising DYNAMIC Core Values
Providing DYNAMIC Career Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities
D - Y - N - A - M - I - C
Diverse and supportive work environments are encouraged to promote leadership among our members and industry partners
Yield capacity provides opportunities for individuals and teams to coordinate their efforts and make the most of their resources. All members are valued and affirmed equally when work challenges arise and are met head on in a conducive manner. Skills and aptitudes are measured quarterly to predict and ensure optimal future member retention
Nuance is the foundation of our organization's diverse perspective. We celebrate intelligence, happiness, health and kindness. We practice patience, active listening, keeping an open mind, while encouraging curiosity. We embrace complexity, recognize and appreciate the nuance that unfolds to accomplish effective internal and external communication
Achievements are celebrated in a cohesive culture where individual and collaborative contributions are held in high regard. Relationships are built on trust, mutual respect and validation
Measurable advanced academic and vocational program goals, develop initiative, imagination, bravery, persuasiveness, delegation, financial skills, confidence and empathy and are non-negotiable within our organization
Initiatives within the context of our organization's objectives and values are encouraged to ensure all members are provided opportunities to identify, develop and measure the source of their confidence, creativity, proactive adaptability, innovative thinking, risk taking and appreciation for individual, and team effort
Capacity building establishes all programs that require a long-term commitment. Projects and tasks are cumulative to ensure the expansion of skills that support understanding and long term memory retention. Instructional scaffolding is implemented when highly informed decisions are related to production outcomes. Individual and collaborative project team efforts provide opportunities for members to participate in the weighing up of available information to ensure coherent decisions are being made. It further ensures momentum during the pursuit of desired career goals, tasks and project completion
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